
Jiangxi fat activated carbon - describes the important role of activated carbon

Activated carbon as an adsorbent has been widely used in feed processing category, is the removal of organic matter in water, smell, especially useful methods of organic matter. In the present our country most of the urban water pollution were different degree, practice process can't useful work, activated carbon can be used as drinking water depth treatment, pretreatment of useful technique.Jiangxi fat activated carbon technology in the use of clear water has broad prospects for development.

Activated carbon has a strong adsorption and catalytic function, the material is sufficient and high performance, acid and alkali resistance, heat resistance, insoluble in water and organic solvents, jiangxi fat activated carbon easy advantages, is an environmentally friendly adsorbent.

Activated carbon is widely used in industrial waste management, solvent recovery, food and beverage purification, carrier, medicine, gold extraction, semiconductor use, battery and electric energy storage, etc. Adjusting the pore structure of activated carbon and modifying the surface groups have a very important effect on improving its function and specific adsorption catalytic effect






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