jiangxi pharmaceutical activated carbon activated carbon widely used in medicine, gold extraction, pure water, drinking water;Nut shell activated carbon is used in drinking water, reclaimed water and daily sewage purification.Columnar activated carbon is used in sewage treatment, water reuse, desulfurization and air purification.Powdered activated carbon is applied to decolorize, deodorize and other clean water.Activated carbon has the advantages of developed porosity and large specific surface area.Each activated carbon has excellent physicochemical adsorption to meet the needs of water purification, air purification, solvent recovery, decolorization, material separation, and sewage treatment.
Jiangxi active carbon followed the development of social economy, household activated carbon quantitative application, people on the day quality requirements are getting higher and higher, the expectation of residence is both comfortable and luxurious, but also can reflect the individual common taste.However, decoration of air pollution, the new car odor, pet odor, shoe cabinet and refrigerator odor and so on a series of air pollution problems will follow, seriously affected our body and mind, cancer, leukemia, breathing, skin diseases and unknown diseases...How to do?
地址: 5 West Road HeDong Industrial Park FuZhou City Jiangxi Province China